Wednesday, 14 October 2009


In today's business lesson we heard a really intersting presentation about NLP.
I would like to revise a bit about this presentation and explain what NLP is.

NLP means neuro-linguistic proramm and is a discipline that enables people to unblock the structures of human communication and execllence by doing so they are able to communicate and think in a more effective way.It explores the way we think (neuro), we communicate ( linguistic) and als our behaviour and emotions ( programm).

Learning from these relationships persuades people to change the way they traditionally think and act, adopting new, far more successful models of human excellence, more effectively. This action is also called modelling. Because NLP is such a powerful way of transforming the way people think and act it is used in business management, psychology, sales and all forms of personal development.

You want more inormation about NLP? Check out this videos....

A lesson about NLP with Michael Beale

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have watched the various NLP videos (and others) in the blog...why not include (a different one) in your blog? Perhaps a podcast too? What about recommended books for anyone interested in studying further? Have you looked at the (free) ebooks on NLP?

    How about some graphics in your blog showing what NLP is?

    Are there any criticisms of NLP?
