- easy commuication e.g : telephone,mobile phone, Internet, e-mail, fax)
- less face to face communication
- higher costs for companies as communicational divces have to be provided
- easy marketing on the internet
- easy selling on the internet
- easy to set up a business via websites
- web design infuences the amout of sold products
- easy market reseach
- easy to contact potential customers via telephone, adverts on TV, magazine
- people often ignore advert via telephone and TV as they prefer to see a product for real
- easy to come across and controle competative companies
- more competition as it is easy for everybody to set up a business
- easy distribution (cars, lorries,airplane)
- easy to sell a product international
- affiliation with other companies
- easy financial controle (calculator,computer programms)
- stock market
- as the product has to improve to be competative the costs of prduction become higher
- workers can be replaces by machines
- lower costs for workers
- companies spend a lot of money in machines,marketing,electonical devices,distribution,internet etc.
- as it is easier to produce things there is a bigger production
- professional writing with computer programms
- documents can be saved on a computer less paper work
- large data bases